Monday, 30 April 2012

Random shots

Tanya had told me about the Wet Market where they buy most of their fruit and vegetables, so I was keen to see it.  There was a vast array of familiar and not-so-familiar items available and all looked very appetising, though not to be eaten before being well-washed.  I couldn't say the butcher's shop looked as good.  I gave it a wide berth, but even then couldn't quite escape some of the smells.


Arlo was given this little green, fairly tasteless fruit, the name of which eludes us.  Does anyone know what it would be?

Another outing close to home was the park just across the canal.

The common language here is small children/a bubble maker/fun.

Most of the equipment in this park designed in Finland and seemed of a higher quality than many other locally  made products.

There are thousands of trees and shrubs in Suzhou parks and streetscapes.  All of the trees had their trunks painted with a white insecticide, and many mature trees also had their trunks wrapped with rope and supported by four poles.  We saw a lot of large trees which had been dug up and the root ball enclosed with sacking while they were transported to another area for planting.  We have not been able to determine whether these trees are dug up regularly and stored for safe keeping during the winter and then replanted in the spring, or if they are grown in a plantation for replacement of trees which have died or been damaged.

A rare sight - students or young men playing basketball.  Sport of any kind was seldom seen, although there is quite a bit played at Geoff's school.

Sport may be a rare sight but this is very familiar.  The streets and public areas were kept clean and  free of rubbish and leaves thanks to workers like this, industriously sweeping with her long straw broom.

More workers cleaning the ponds near Tanya's home.
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Saturday, 28 April 2012

The Humble Administrator's Garden

One of our early outings in Suzhou was to the Humble Administrator's Garden, formerly a private garden it is the largest in the city.  Tanya, Geoff and Arlo visited this garden soon after arriving in China, but unlike the 40º day of their visit ours was a very mild mid 20ºs.

As it was only the second month of Spring many of the trees had barely begun to sprout new leaves so we decided to make a point of going again about 3 weeks later to see the difference.

There are no large expanses of lawn, flowerbeds or many of the attractions in our public gardens, but there is an abundance of trees, water, rocks and buildings.